University of Maine




Satellite Images
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All SST images for dates prior to January 1, 2003 were processed using the TERASCAN Multi-Channel Sea-Surface Temperature (MCSST) algorithm and TERASCAN cloud masking algorithms. On Jan 1, 2003 we switched to the Non-Linear SST (NLSST) algoritm (as implemented by TERASCAN). In addition, the scaling of the false-color images posted on this website changed from a range of -1.0 to 24.5 degrees C (pre-Jan 1, 2003) to -2 to 29.875 degrees C (post Jan 1, 2003).

Units Represented: Degrees Celcius
Latitude Range: 39.4165 to 46.4035
Longitude Range: -72.7788 to -63.1848
Projection: Mercator
Pixels: 700
Lines: 700
Projection Origin (lat) and Central Meridian (lon): 0,-68.0
Pixel Resolution: ~1.1 km

Images are GIF format.
Filenames are NXX.YYDDD.TTTT.GIF where:

  • XX is the NOAA satellite designation

  • YY is the year

  • DDD is the yearday of the acquisition

  • TTTT is the GMT of the acquisition

Chlorophyll (SeaWiFS):

Units Represented: milligrams per cubic meter of chlorophyll
Latitude Range: 39.448002 to 46.395
Longitude Range: -72.778999 to -63.235001
Projection: Mercator
Pixels: 700
Lines: 700
Projection Origin (lat) and Central Meridian (lon): 0.0 / -68.007004
Pixel Resolution: ~1.1 km

Images are JPEG format. Filenames are:
seawifsYYYY_MMM_LLL.jpg or seawifsYYYY_DDD-DDD_LLL.jpg where:

  • YYYY is the year

  • MMM is the month (ex. jan, feb)

  • DDD is the yearday of the acquisition

  • LLL is the image location (GOM = Gulf of Maine & PEN = Penobscot Bay)

Wind (SeaWinds):

Units Represented: Winds speed (meters per second) and direction
Latitude Range: 39.448 to 46.395
Longitude Range: -63.235 to -72.779
Projection: Cylindrical
Pixels: 612 (Data Area Only = 419)
Lines: 792 (Data Area Only = 418)
Projection Origin (lat) and Central Meridian (lon): 44.8957,-68.6673
Vector Data Resolution: 0.25 degrees

Images are JPEG format.
Filenames are PPPYYYY_DDD.jpeg where:

  • PPP is the satellite orbital pass direction (des = descending pass, asc = ascending pass)

  • YYYY is the year

  • DDD is the yearday of the acquisition


Chlorophyll (SeaWiFS):

Units Represented: milligrams chlorophyll per meter cubed
Latitude Range: 50.0, 62.0 N
Longitude Range: -160.0, -125.0
Projection: Cylindrical equidistant
Pixels: 545
Lines: 333
Projection Origin (lat) and Central Meridian (lon): 0.0 N,-142.5 E
Pixel Resolution: 4 km
Scaling: 0.001*X + 32.0

Images are JPEG format.
Filenames are SW_REG_YYYY_DDD.JPEG where:

  • REG is the region (CAL, GOA)

  • YYYY is the year

  • DDD is the yearday of the acquisition


Chlorophyll (SeaWiFS):

Units Represented: milligrams chlorophyll per cubic meter
Latitude Range: 20.0, 55.0 N
Longitude Range: -135.0, -105.0 E
Projection: Cylindrical Equidistant
Pixels: 833
Lines: 972
Projection Origin (lat) and Central Meridian (lon): 0.0 N, -120.0 E
Pixel Resolution: 4 km
Scaling: 0.001*X + 32.0

Images are JPEG format.
Filenames are SW_REG_YYYY_DDD.JPEG where:

  • REG is the region (CAL, GOA)

  • YYYY is the year

  • DDD is the yearday of the acquisition


Long Directory Listings

Gulf of Maine AVHRR Listing

Gulf of Maine SeaWiFS File Listing
View our Data Policy before accessing SeaWiFS data.

Gulf of Maine SeaWinds File Listing
This listing includes PostScript versions (best quality), large JPEGs (medium quality) and small JPEG thumbnails (worst quality).

GLOBEC-Pacific SeaWiFS File Listing
View our Data Policy before accessing SeaWiFS data.